The truth is... we love our staff! New Bethel Baptist Church is blessed with a determined and creative team of people that make the day-to-day activities a success and meaningful! Meet our staff team below. Feel free to reach them anytime for information or assistance with any of the goings-on of NBBC.
They are Christ centered, Gospel focused, and ready to serve any way possible!
We feel that our active membership is an aspect of NBBC that won't be matched anywhere else!
We encourage all of our members to stay plugged in with the various ministries and events that take place during the year. If you would like to be involved please see any of our staff for more information.

Stephen Halstead - Senior Pastor
I am wonderfully blessed to be the pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church! My wife Morgan and I love the Lord. We also enjoy singing, reading (ask Morgan anything about Narnia or Middle Earth), and writing (though most of my writing these days deal with my Old Testament studies with New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary). If the Lord wills, we will enjoy seeing His Kingdom grow in Harrison and throughout the world!